Friday, May 31, 2013

My Marriage

This isnt a post of funny pictures, or anything like that. It is about my wonderful marriage. I was flying and there was a mormon flight attendant on board. Found out I was from Utah and I got asked the famous question.. What ward are you in? My response "Oh I'm not LDS. I dont go to any church right now".  We got to talking some more and I mentioned that Jeremy and I have been married 5 times going to try and get them all. She then proceeds to tell me (totally paraphrased) thats nice but you wont be together forever because you were not sealed and thats the only way it will ever happen. All your marriages mean basically nothing you are just having fun.

FUCKING REALLY? I have made the commitment to be with Jeremy for the rest o my life, 5 TIMES! Every time I go to get married its not for "funsies" its because I do love him, and I think about what it means to make that commitment to him for ever. I dont understand why you have to tell my my commitment means less then yours just because you did yours in a temple, once. When I am there making that commitment to Jeremy the only one who matters. I am not saying I am more committed then someone who was sealed in the temple. I just show my love for Jere by marrying him again and again. If we werent committed to each other we wouldnt be doing this. Yeah its fun to say I have 5 certificates, but I have one awesome marriage. I am more just upset I was told my marriage  is just for fun. And it wont last.

I do love Jeremy. And this is how I choose to show it. To him by saying "I do" no one else has to be there, its for us not for anyone else.

Rant over. Moral of my rant I love Jere and its real.


  1. I hate people like that.
    She can suck a bag of dicks.

    (*ps.. this post was going to be heartfelt and trying to understand the bitch who said these things to you, but all in all it came down to, she's dumb, close-minded, and naive... so all the gets is a bag of dicks.)

  2. Bag of dicks. Its kinda like a party
